Facebook has become popular all over the world, including the small town of Windsor. Everywhere people have fallen to the negative effects that Facebook can create. In Windsor, Facebook is very popular and students and adults have began to use the social networking site.
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Among the students at Windsor High School, information can spread quickly through Facebook. If a student misses school for a few days, they can still stay caught up with what is going on with the other students by checking Facebook. Although it may seem that the quick spread of information on Facebook is a positive thing, sometimes it can be considered negative. For example, if there is a fight at the school during the day, by the evening there have been multiple videos and comments about the fight posted on Facebook. Now, even students who did not see the fight feel as if they were there. Another reason the negative effects of Facebook are relevant to Windsor is that many students have become "friends" with teachers or other staff members. If a student posts something negative about the school or other students, a teacher may read it and the student may experience consequences. The negative effects associated with Facebook is a relevant issue everywhere, including Windsor.